Saturday, 3 November 2012

Connecting Eclipse & ADB with the Emulator

Hi all, in my first article I explained how to install Android 4.0 in VMware workstation. Here i'll demonstrate to bridge android vm to eclipse IDE. Let's skip the detail and get started. First run ICS from your VM and open up android command prompt. (Navigate to applications and run Terminal Emulator) Type "netcfg" in terminal to find out IP of your vm  Then go to cmd(windows command prompt) and move to "platform-tool" folder in your android installation path(in my case cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools) Then type "adb connect your ip" command ...

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Faster Adroid Emulator

             Hi All,  This is my very first blog article. I'm would like to share my knowledge with everyone. That's the reason for starting this blog spot. I am a graduate in Computer Science. As soon as I finished my degree I got my first job as Associate Software Engineer.              As we all know Android SDK Emulator quite slow, which makes debugging painful. There is a solution for this matter by the guys at Android x86. Here I will guide you to make Android 4.0 emulator fast. Let’s skip the details and get started. Step1: Install VMware workstation Go to this link and download the VMware-workstation-full-8.0.2-591240...

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